Smiling woman wearing holding medical alert system device

Medical Alert Systems

Medical Alert Systems from SafeGuardian alert your loved ones that you need assistance at the push of a button.

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Smiling woman wearing silver medical ID alert bracelet with red medical caduceus symbol

Medical ID Jewelry

Medical ID jewelry from Lauren’s Hope offers instant access to key information needed by first responders in an emergency.

Engrave yours with your personal information along with, “PRESS SOS 4 HELP,” and wear it with your medical alert button.

Shop Medical ID Jewelry

Your Safety Solution

Peace of Mind is in Reach.

Woman showing custom laser engraved medical alert ID tag with medical alert system information

What should I engrave?

Give those around you all the information they need to get you the right help, fast. Engrave your key medical information along with a prompt to activate your Medical Alert System, such as, "PRESS SOS FOR HELP".